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SBLI Quality Term



Broker Website


Agent Portal

FEX eApp: Link located under Useful Links> Final Expense

Term: Quility HQ >Navigator Exclusive ~or~

Navigator E-app (Direct Link)

Client Portal 

(800) 694-7254 – Customer Service

(888) 224-7254 – Agent Support

Hours: 7:00a-5:00p CT | M-F 

SBLI Directory.pdf

SBLI Agent Portal User Guide.pdf

SBLI LegacyShield Brochure.pdf

  • Even though SBLI offers a variety of life insurance and annuities, we currently only market SBLI’s Term and FEX products.
  • You will have 2 different agent writing numbers and 2 different agent portal registrations with SBLI. To write Final Expense (FEX) is through the Digital SureLC contracting link and all other products are through the Quility SureLC contracting link
  • Voice, Email and Electronic application. Immediate decision for Final Expense product.
  • FEX offers electronic and voice signature options
  • Paid upon application submission, not policy issue. Commissions processed every Friday evening and deposited by Monday afternoon
  • “Just In Time” (Automatic) state appointments except IN, OR, PA and UT require preauthorization.
  • Client Portal – Clients register to access a copy of their policy. They use the “Forms” link to update address, payment information, beneficiary, ownership, or to collaterally assign their policy.
  • Agent Portal (Quility Writing Number) – Only used to access agent commission statements and copies of recently written Quility Level Term policies.
  • Agent Portal (Digital Writing Number) Used to access eApplication and all other tools and resources including agent commission statements and copies of recently written Final Expense policies.


Agents, this is a huge FREE benefit! SBLI has partnered with Legacy Shield to offer a FREE subscription to the following easy-to-use online tools which can not only help you create a legacy (including a will), but also make sure that your loved ones can find everything left for them when it is needed. 

With Legacy Shield, you can undertake the following at no additional cost: 

  • Safely digitally store your documents, final wishes, family photos, and more. 
  • Create documents for your estate plan, including your will, power of attorney, and advance directive. 
  • Consolidate all your financial accounts in one convenient dashboard. 

SBLI Products

Final Expense

SBLI Quility Term (QLT)

Social Network

Address: 23 Public Square, Suite 260 Belleville, IL 62221

Call Us: 1.800.789.6556



Final Expense Whole Life

SBLI FEX Living Legacy Product Brochure.pdf
SBLI Final Expense Product Agent Guide.pdf
SBLI Final Expense Paper Application COPY.pdf



The policy issue date will be the date of the first payment. The available dates: 
1st of month 
3rd of month 
2nd Wednesday 
3rd Wednesday 
4th Wednesday 


Level Benefit Plan (Preferred or Standard) 


Modified Benefit Plan 

Minimum $2,500 / Maximum $20,000

Natural Death

Accidental Death: Full Death Benefit from Day 1

SBLI Quility Term


Quility Level Term Training Video
SBLI QLT Consumer Brochure.pdf
SBLI QLT Term At A Glance Brochure.pdf
SBLI QLT Agent Guide.pdf

About Quility Level Term

With instant approval and a quick online application, Quility Level Term makes getting life insurance fast and easy. Convenient payment options are available, too, because flexibility is key with Quility Level Term.


Benefits of Quility Level Term life insurance


Customize your Quility Level Term policy with riders:



For help please contact one of the following resources:

  1. For technical support with your e-App, and for access to Quility Level Term product guides, underwriting information, marketing materials, support ticket requests/live chat, and more, go to the QLT/Afficiency resource center.
  2. For contracting help or other questions, submit a support ticket via HQ.
  3. To be appointed for Quility Level Term sales in additional states, please see the information below.


Pre-Appointments / Licensing / Additional States Explained:

Once your SBLI agent number has been added to HQ, Quility Level Term will become available within Navigator, your best-fit product selector and quoter offering access to proprietary, instant-issue products including Quility Level Term from SBLI and others. Be sure to complete your Navigator certification via QuilityU.


To request appointment for additional states:


NOTE: Only request appointments for states where you plan to write business immediately and in which you are duly life licensed.


Carrier Notes: